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Lambeth Road depicts a terminus on the London Underground and is an aboveground station with exchange facilities with British Rail. The layout has daytime, night-time and twilight settings. The night setting is especially impressive with illuminated trains, station, houses, Routemaster and DMS buses, phone box, street lamps and portacabins setting the scene. There is even arcing from the rails as the London Underground trains go over point work!!

Trackwork is OO gauge code 100 and points are controlled by solenoid motors.


Lambeth Road track plan

Metropolitan sets work the underground lines and passenger units work the exchange platform. A variety of locomotives arrive at the shed and goods stock is shunted by an 08 unit.

The layout is DCC controlled. Frequent arrivals and departures are made by the underground sets. Two car units service the exchange platform. Units arrive and depart from the shed area and freight is shunted on the goods lines.

Lambeth Road photo 1
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